Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Girl....a name or an identity

Jennie, Jen, Jennifer, Jemima, JENNAY, Jennie from the block
so many times people have spelled my name either wrong or identified me as a title, such as "girl", " ______'s Girlfriend"or  "My Girl"
But i feel like women are being itemized in today's society which can be an issue and is beginning to become an issue due to the popularity of the porn industry and in regular popular television. i personally think that people are  not possessions because they have a point of view and a way to express it. yet it is debatable about having animals as possessions because they also can express their feelings and know how to communicate but they seem less than. maybe that is why we as humans take animals as pets for that possessive fix. i am not solely blaming our human nature off of media because we too emulate our surroundings. even though polygamy is not as popular as it was thousands and thousands of years ago, we still have the show sister wives on TLC. I find that their show is very loving yet i think that it kind of shows a bit of having women as a possession. 
dont become a camel 
   .click here for a song that is awesome cause its awesome and it kind of reminds me about today's topic
<3 Jennie

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