Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This day in history

I think that as a straight person, we should approach gay marriage like heterosexual marriage: two people who love one another so fiercely that they want to start a life together. but sadly before today, same sex marriage has been treated with the most disrespect that i ever encountered, in my personal life. Their only offense is loving their own sex. One may argue that marriage is a religious issue, and that marriage is a matrimony in front of G-d. I understand that yes, religion is a big part of a wedding, but that is for a religious person. America is a melting pot of all different cultures and religions and the ones who actually don't have sex before their marriage because one has to be pure are a very small group. I doubt a lot of people know what the white dress symbolizes and follow the purity for marriage thing. but, back to my point, one judge, one congressman, one mayor, or even one president cannot be the voice for the entire state/country/town etc. because we are all different and one of the most important things to think about while we say we have the freedom of speech, we also have the separation of church and state and that is hypocrisy.
But, on a less angry note, today, it came to a 5 to 4 ruling out DOMA, with the judges calling it here for a video on how this affects a same sex family and they can talk about it way better than i can, so enjoy.
Everyone deserves their rights because ALL men and women are created EQUAL
<3 Jennie

Monday, June 24, 2013

Makeup and self image

It sounds so intimidating to me, i don't know why, maybe because this may not be as funny as all the other blog posts i have written. I started wearing makeup when i was in kindergarten for dance recital purposes. my parents didn't really mind that i would wear makeup, but i didn't know how to wear it so it was an epic fail. But it seems that my generation feels like makeup is the most important thing to put on in the morning. i remember when i was little watching my mom putting on makeup and i have always wondered why people needed to cover up so much. The big thing when I was younger was having nice hair. I am white as snow but i didn't have the sleek and shiny hair like the people in the commercials did and i would try every shampoo to make my hair like the models. I also hated my short hair (which is ironic now since i love having short hair) and i would put fake hair pieces over my real hair.I actually did not have alot of self image issues until i was in eighth grade. I used to hate my body and yes, i still sometimes do. it got really bad my summer going into sophomore year when i did not want to eat sometimes. I was on a summer program and i refused to eat breakfast or lunch so they had to call central office about my eating habits. Now i love food but i still struggle with how much i eat versus how much i weigh. Now, looking back on all of these things that i did to look good, i do not understand why makeup and self image is a big deal. i understand if you medically need to be a certain weight and its all for medical reasons. I like to be as real as possible when i am out and i don't like hiding all of my blemishes, mainly because they are too much work in the morning and also, I, A HUMAN am not perfect and i do not pressure my friends to be perfect and i want people to think HEY SHE IS NOT WEARING MAKEUP! SO I WONT EITHER! the funny thing is that makeup is supposed to make your skin look flawless yet it causes most of the blemishes you get on your skin
You don't know your beautiful
<3 Jennie

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Five reasons why star wars is the best feminist movie...In the galaxy

1: Princess Leia is Kick butt!!!!!
2: Princess Leia seems to get everyone else out of trouble
3: In the movie Han solo is very cocky and sometimes misogynist so it is a perfect contrast between the two
4: They give women a chance to become Jedi's
5: Even though Luke is a male protagonist, Leia does a lot to defeat the Galactic empire

so obviously by this i am a humongous star wars fan times a gazillion and i love the 4th 5th and 6th the most. my family makes fun of it a lot because they find it really funny.
anyways....i am finishing up the school year tomorrow and i am going away but i will still be able to blog while i am there and maybe even have a guest blogger...who knows!!! but expect bloggy things in your future :)
may the force be with you and Luke, Darth Vader is your father.....spoilers
<3 Jennie

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hash tags on facebook and procrastinating on studying for finals

why am i such a procrastinator? i really need to stop but my exam is history and we really dont need to study facts, we just have to write an essay and analyze graphs. but i really need to focus. anyways, there has recently been a new add to Facebook which involves a hashtag....#hashtagawesomeness
actually a lot of people find it to be #notsomeness because trending is now starting to get to be a big thing on twitter and some smart person wants to bring twitter to Facebook. honestly i am what one may call an "old Soul" (even though i like to act like i am 5)  i like electronic simplicity i've never wanted an e-book or an electric this or that. i am one of the very few 17 year old's who doesn't have and doesn't want an I phone, and it gets annoying in school because in my school at least they encourage us to use I phones and other smart devices besides computers to look up stuff and since i don't have one, i ask to use a dictionary, and i have been denied acess to a dictionary because it seems like i am supposed to have these electronics. I really am one of those people who think having too many electronic internet accessing things is a really bad thing because how do you unplug and stop to smell the roses? there is so much more than just checking your Facebook every five seconds and even i confess to having these problems. mainly because i slack on a lot of homework because i get distracted by you tube or here or Facebook. a lot of people during dinner time instead of talking to their families when they sit down and eat dinner, sit down, eat dinner and look on their phones.  but yet again, internet has helped us in so many ways to shape our world and out country. i am very honored to live in a society where i can share my veiws to total strangers on the internet.also, i have met many amazing people on the internet and the internet has made the world more of a community :)
take sometime to slow down every once in a while and enjoy the small and simple things in life
and also to learn some history
<3 Jennie

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


well, i know i don't...i procrastinate and love cartoons and it really drives my family bananas. but i find it agitating how i know people my age who try and do things/like things that are WAY past their time like adults do that stuff, such as watch law and order and general hospital and for me its like "why would anyone want to watch this stuff when i can be a kid and watch phineas and ferb". Note that i don't dislike them its just that those types of people do those things to act older and try and speed up their kid process. my mentality is that its okay to watch cartoons and like "little kid things" because you have such a short time compared to the time your an adult to act like a five year-old. if it were up to me i would be a child forever and be stuck at five because i could be naive and away from all of the annoying stuff but also be able to enjoy life because kids seem to enjoy life a lot more than adults.
i hope this did not offend anyone because i am just sharing my own opinion............................................................and procrastinating on studying for finals tomorrow, but give me sympathy! ITS MY CHEM EXAM and chem seems to hate me because i am just REALLY REALLY bad at it. also, i did my hair in those cute hair wrap thingies because i start finals tomorrow and my days are numbered in the hallow halls of high school as a Junior. and i am just a terrible procrastinator. but i remember always wanting to get a hair wrap when i was little and now i learned how to do it when i was in camp so many years ago.
Enjoy life folks! Carpe Diem
<3 Jennie

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My thoughts on fathers-day.....well i have thoughts about everything...but whatever!

So i personally anti mothers and fathers day because i don't just celebrate them being my parents for only one day. Everyday in my opinion should be mothers and fathers days because one day is not really enough.
Anyhow: since my dad reads my blogs and he is a supporter of my blog because he is the one who tells me every once in a while "Hey JR (that's my nickname) your blogs are REALLY REALLY REALLY funny" and  i thank him. i give him major props for raising a crazy daughter because i am not necessarily the most normal person in the world. My dad has always pushed me to try new things like playing sports, trying new types of food, playing instruments, and he really has supported my love and wanting a career in the arts. He has raised me in the best way possible, caring about education and getting the best education possible. also, we have the best father daughter sing along's, they bring anyone's sing along's to shame :) they usually consist of Queen, Elton John, Fiddler on the Roof and The Beatles. "JR, who is the best dad ever?" " your my only dad, dad!" "well, you have a step-dad" "well, you are my favorite dad!"
Thanks Dad for being my favorite dad and Happy fathers day
And also, happy fathers-day to all of the dad's out there and all of the future dad's out there :)
Happy Sunday
<3 Jennie (JR)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Me: Trying my hand at writing love poems about inanimate objects...I have this much time on my hands everyone!

My dearest Traffic Cone:
It seems that you caught my eye,
you seem like a very bright guy
I like that.
Who doesn't say that opposites attract?
We live a life: a giant balancing act
I'm indoors
You are outdoors
I am barely used anymore
and you, are so useful. the great outdoors, you get to explore
your orangeness makes me swoon
you contrast with plain me, a loom
you are not tall, nor dark but you sure are handsome.
our lives our separate
i am not trying to be desperate
but we could weave our lives into one giant blanket of love
i can make you a jacket or even a glove
I am intruiged by your dangerous life
our differences could be a common thread that brings us together.
But who knows? we could learn so much from eachother
with love,

Ps: i love spoke word poetry so this was originally meant to be spoken word but i recently entered it into a poetry contest and i am probably/mostlikely going to lose because even though its creative its not the best in the world. BUT!!!!! if you have unlikely inanimate object parings for me to write poems about please comment and i will try my best and write poetry about them because...its really fun.
<3 Jennie

Is it too late to talk about prom?

But what they hey! i will do it anyways.
so as a very observant Jew (not Orthodox but in between conservative and orthodox, what i call conservadox) i really have my own version of modesty. Formal dresses i wear: short dresses that go to the knee or longer and short sleeves when REALLY hot and long sleeved any time else. for informal occasions: i wear jeans and a tee-shirt with a hoodie or a long sleeve shirt layered underneath a short sleeve. basically keeping everything that i believe should be covered covered.
Anyways: i am a what you may call a "Tomboy" where i don't like to be girly or frilly or anything. i actually saw at prom a bunch of people with these dresses with the sides cut out and for me, i just found it really unnecessary. if any of you have a reason why to have cut outs on dresses please feel free to post your reason why. but i am very a plain and simple person and my dress was short. i should also add that i went to junior prom because i am a junior in high school. I now realize that i am personally against a lot of traditional styled prom dresses because they look horribly on me. OY senior year is going to be fun to find a prom dress :)
but i am not normal, and so is my taste in clothing because i seem to want to look different than everyone else. this pretty lady is me at prom :)  note that i am also a big fan of giving my looks a theme like this one is themed The Great Gatsby. next year i don't know what to do for a theme but by best friend suggested star wars themed so i could dress up as princess Leia because i am a HUGE star wars fan.
overall, prom was fun, a little to much making out and grinding for my taste, especially durring dancing queen which is my favorite ABBA song of all times. so please, i beg you to listen to this song with out grinding or making out to it...thanks :)  <3 Jennie

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Me and my lovely social skills...

I have the WORST social skills known to man and i have developed a kind of anxiety to talking to people and it is just bad, especially when you are going to be 18 and going to be an adult and a lot of the time you turn to your parents during awkward situations but for me i will have no one to turn to in fact, people would be turning to me since i would be the adult. so yeah.....never turn to me in an awkward situation because i am the worst person to make things remotely close to normal. actually when i think about it i am actually not normal at all, who else has one person dance parties and makes up their own dance movies and is obsessed with cranberry juice? i don't know....but if any of you do, you are not alone and uniqueness is awesomeness :).
but yeah, anyways: today my sisters friend comes over and i am really awkward and so i just let her wait in the car because i just didn't think of inviting her inside. i just fail at being a good guest and my sister is mad at me.
my life as you know it
<3 Jennie

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Girl....a name or an identity

Jennie, Jen, Jennifer, Jemima, JENNAY, Jennie from the block
so many times people have spelled my name either wrong or identified me as a title, such as "girl", " ______'s Girlfriend"or  "My Girl"
But i feel like women are being itemized in today's society which can be an issue and is beginning to become an issue due to the popularity of the porn industry and in regular popular television. i personally think that people are  not possessions because they have a point of view and a way to express it. yet it is debatable about having animals as possessions because they also can express their feelings and know how to communicate but they seem less than. maybe that is why we as humans take animals as pets for that possessive fix. i am not solely blaming our human nature off of media because we too emulate our surroundings. even though polygamy is not as popular as it was thousands and thousands of years ago, we still have the show sister wives on TLC. I find that their show is very loving yet i think that it kind of shows a bit of having women as a possession. 
dont become a camel 
   .click here for a song that is awesome cause its awesome and it kind of reminds me about today's topic
<3 Jennie

Monday, June 10, 2013

Now, for a bit of feminism

Calling all Femininjas,
Warning: as an angry feminist, I will be cursing, BUT I will be 
censoring myself by using famous composers in place of the actual curse word....cause I'm awesome :3.
Hello there, now that I got your attention. as a feminist,( after all this page is called Caution: Angry Feminist Crossing), I recently came across four commercials on a page that talk about marginalization of women and i will post that. but while we are on the topic, i should add that marginalizing ANYONE is a really stupid idea. not only is it rude but its just not okay because, people, especially women, have been fighting for their rights this long, and we have gotten so far, just to be heckled and treated like Franz Joseph Haydn is just not okay and we must take a mother  Ludwig Van Beethoven  stand on these issues. For those who are like
"what the Sergei Rachmaninov is marginalization????" marginalization is a long word for making a certain group feel less than or second class citizens. I am not what you would call " a bra burning feminist" but i do believe that men and women should be treated, payed and live as equal because, after all, all men and women are created equally ( and if you want to have a religious debate, feel free to comment on this post). what also really annoys me is that there are woman, who are anti feminists. i have nothing against them but it irks me to believe that they are fine with having all of their rights taken away and that they think that they serve men. men and women should be equal relationship wise I do not understand why think otherwise. a relationship is a duel effort no one is in charge of another. So before I go on a crazy woman rampage,
Click heeeya!!!!
happy George Handel  monday
<3 Jennie

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reflection: Meeting my nephew

Hey, i know this is the second time today posting on my blog, but i felt like talking about what happened today. well, last night a bunch of my family came in from Syracuse NY and Orlando FL and even though i was not there last night, i got to see everyone today because we had a big cookout. My brother and his girlfriend came with their little son and he is exceedingly adorable. i got to hold him, play with him and take pictures of him with my other sisters. Because he and his Mommy and Daddy live so far away, this was our first live meeting with his great grandfather, his grandmother and his aunts and uncles. Anyhow, meeting my nephew was an absolutely amazing experience and i hope that there will be many nephews to come. :3
I hope you all had fun this weekend spending time with your families
<3 Jennie

I recently read numbers, and then i realized that i don't have yours....

Hello again!
so! Last night I went to a dance with one of my very good friends to her church and as a Jew, I was not sure what to expect because as a member of USY (United Synagogue Youth) things are a lot different. In USY, there is a lot of interesting activity that goes on during dances that i do not partake in but i am always a spectator in those dances. but for those who read this: this is not to say that all USYERS are all like this but there is usually a lot of grinding and stuff and those types of dances are not for anyone. besides the dances, USY is the best, i enjoy myself and its really great to have things in common with other teens and overall its a really amazing youth group. My high school is also very into making out and such during dances which i am also not a very big fan of  but during those dances they also play really inappropriate songs and its just "ewwww why would anyone put that into a song!". SO, anyhow, my friend is Mormon and it was themed 1940's swing and we all learned how to swing dance and i made a lot of new friends. overall everyone was super nice, i had buckets of fun and it was clean!!!!. Moral of the story: If you are as involved in your own religion as i am, try finding a non whatever-you-are's friend and go and meet their friends because you can get a taste of their life and become more open to different religions. They are also lots of fun :)
<3 Jennie

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hello my dearest friends

Hello my drearest friends,
              I am such a copycat. A vast number of people whom i know have blogs and such and when I realize it, I am such an anti-hipster. I listen to mainstream music like Mumford and Sons and The Beatles  and the weird thing is that I pretend that what i am doing is not mainstream. But yet I thrive to be original but that is all an epic fail :).So as a copycat, this is my first blog post and I am going to try to be consistent and do one once or twice a week. (Actually school is coming to a close so I might actually have some more blogging time than I figured). Yes, I am a feminist but that is not all my blog is about, of course I will go on feminist rants but I like to rant so that is another reason why blogging is so great. I am also Jewish and i will be talking and hinting to and about jewish topics from time to time.and also, please pardon my hatred towards capitol letters, I just find capitalization to be kind of stupid in a sense but I will try my best to capitalize to sound cohesive and fancy shmancy. So, my fine feathered friends, tata for now!
<3 Jennie