Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My views of Women of the Wall

For people who don't know what WOW does, they do demonstrations at the kotel in Jerusalem to promote gender equality and to promote teffilin wearing/talit wearing on the womens side of the mechitza. I personally believe that WOW should be doing their services in Jerusalem because Israel is a universal country where alot of people from many denominations come to pray. Yes, there is Robinson's arch, the egalitarian section of the kotel, but why can't they just wrap teffilin or talitot by themselves in their own section. I understand its still going to be an issue because there are women who are also very against women wearing tallit and teffilin, but i think that giving them the option to do it should be available and should definitely not get police attention. It definitely is a religious issue but its also a predominately a political issue. because there are two chief rabbinate's in charge and the harreidim are in charge and Israel is not like america in which that there is separation of church and state. Israel was purposely created to house the Jewish people, thus giving Israel the right to  arrest anyone who is disobeying the rules. at the same time, these people who are religiously in charge of Israel
, should not think of what they believe in personally but in what is good for their country (some call it a state) and how to govern such a diverse population of Jews. We have enough inner fighting as it is, sadly and it has gotten to the point where people are just super petty about it. we need to take a stand because we are one nation, a very small one.
I feel better now that all of this got out, i was getting exceedingly frustrated about this
<3 Jennie

Thursday, August 15, 2013

From the Tipity Top... (Viewer Descression is advised....we are talking about genetalia today)

so, as a feminist i believe in raising awareness about female issues, but this time i am raising awareness about something i just saw in one of Laci Green's Video's. She talks about circumcision like its a crime and for all her respect (because her video's are very helpful and fun at times) this one really bothered me. As an observant, halachic Jew i believe that ritual circumcision is important for the Jewish people. Judaism, like any other religion is a spiritual blueprint for how to conduct your life and how to get closer to G-d. One thing that is important and it happens 9 days after a child is born, circumcision. according to this video, she compares it to rape and i find this exceedingly disturbing. one thing in particular: rape is involuntary, not supported by parents and is inhumane. Circumcision is voluntary to the family of the child, it is supported by the community and it is very much humane. and also, this i find very insulting because this is an ancient tradition that is apart of a lot of Jewish families lives because this is something that makes us unique. it also could be viewed as a symbol that even though they may have different views than everyone else, they know that this is something apart of a bigger picture and that we, are trying to show that we are different than other religions. Also, because Judaism is such an ancient religion, this is one of the few customs that is still observed throughout the years. this is something that i find super intriguing and kind of awesome.
<3 Jennie

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jennie after dark: Body hair and shaving and why i do such a thing

so, i cannot sleep at all (because i might be able to see one of my best friends tomorrow, and he lives in Jersey) and also, my tummy is making noises and i just cant sleep. Anyways, one subject that makes me exceedingly irritated, is masculinity in the form of body hair. Example: If a woman decides to grow a beard, she is known as the scary bearded lady but when a man has a beard, he is wise and awesome depending on how long and cool looking it is. another example: if a woman doesn't want to shave her armpits, she is risking not wearing tank tops or short sleeves (or she could wear her armpit hair out like some women do, don't be ashamed of your hair) in fear that men would view her as masculine, and it is totally fine and viewed as a normal thing for men to have armpit hair. But why is hair viewed as masculine? i honestly do not know the answer to this question, but maybe because of the fact that they can grow hair, visibly in more places than women, but i really don't know. If anyone has any sort of answer or theory about it please leave a comment!! I don't understand why body hair is viewed as masculine, and it should be a people thing because body hair is something that is so natural and important to our bodies.
And on to the topic of shaving shall we?
So its apparently expectational (yes, i just made a new word...please deal with it) for women to shave their legs and armpits and men to shave their faces and also chests and backs. Why should i risk cutting myself with a razor? for social constructs and pleasing the other sex? why do they care? I personally shave because IT FEELS NICE TO HAVE HAIRLESS LEGS!!!!!! i like how smooth my legs get after shaving. i do this for MYSELF and i think that we should do things for ourselves rather than worrying about other people in the picture. maybe body hair is viewed a taboo for women because shaving has been such a popularity between women, and has developed into a social construct. i remember when i was a young girl wanting to learn how to shave because my older sister did it and she was pretty cool and stuff. You learn how to conform to society when you are young.
so...this has been fun, i think i should get to bed now
Night everyone, or good morning since its almost 2 in the morning
<3 Jennie

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

After watching letters to Juliete

I am a huge Sap when it comes to romantic movies. I am that one to just go AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! at any given moment. That is a very feminine characteristic of me and its kind of ironic since i am a feminist and that feminism is stereotypically anti feminine. What i love, and hate about romantic movies is that we (as in  a percentage of women) wish  that we were all in the position of the girl with the dashingly handsome man falling head over heels for the beautiful woman. But at the same time, romance does not come at a drop of a hat, it takes time to build a relationship and not, like in the case of letters to Juliette, three days and then one visit later. Society teaches us that love can come at any moment and that it will only come to the most beautiful and smart. is that sending the correct message? Even though letters to Juliette is geared towards older teens and twenty-somethings, this movie, and various others crush our expectations of these knights in shining armor and that they will come for us one day. In fact many people never live to find their true love. I personally hope i do, someday, and maybe i have, maybe i haven't...who really knows?  but if my "prince" never comes, ehhh i can deal with being single...who needs marrying into royalty, they are all so scandalous, like the kennedys. maybe the "prince" could be someone regular, money doesn't buy love or happiness.
<3 Jennie

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You know you're a geek when...

When you write your first fan fiction...YESS!!! I WROTE A FANFICTION!!!!! I actually think i am a terrible writer and a really bad finisher at stuff so yeah, it was super cool to write a fan fiction. If you don't know what a fan fiction is, its basically a fan's own fictional story about characters from their favorite series, book, movie, game, musical or Tv series.i dont normally identify as a geek because i never cosplayed in my life and i honestly dont really want to cosplay anything major in my life (except for: sakura from tsubasa, the doctor 11 and possibly someone from harry potter). the weird part is that i want to be a hybrid mixture of a maharat and a costume designer and yet i dont really want to cosplay anything big. be ashamed of me and i will proudly wear the cone of shame. i personally believe that not being very into cosplay has nothing to do with your love of a show or a book seires. it simply just judges how badly you feel like dressing up. i love to dress up and maybe i will cosplay, but not today.
<3 Jennie


So i am waiting to experience something that happens once in a very long time. and yes, i do mean the meteor shower. I am not necessarily the most patient person in the world so this is going to be fun. I went to look outside for a bit at midnight but i just couldn't find it. maybe i will never find it , maybe i will see it at 4 in the morning, but i want to experience this because i love astronomy and it sounds so exciting. I really dislike waiting...i really want to sleep and the chance that i might not even see the shower. this will get agitating very quickly.
I will cheer the shower on by singing my own version of twinkle twinkle little star:
twinkle twinkle meteor shower
a display of G-ds majestic power
up above in outer space
in a world, feeling out of place
twinkle twinkle meteor shower
i hate waiting over and hour
<3 Jennie
Ps: do you like the new look? i went for a more indie style this time, than the kind of aggressive look i had before.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Stupid misogynistic teen magazine quizzes!!!

So it being summer vacation, i was being bored and so i went on the seventeen magazine website just for giggles. i wanted to do those trashy quizzes that i did when i was in third grade because i was bored and i felt like it. so, the first one i tried was the "what hairstyle should I try?". So i had a hard time with this quiz because it was hard to relate to, but then, before i could say anymore i come across a question: "what does your guy compliment you on the most?" and my automatic reaction to this is: why does seventeen magazine assume that I have a "guy" and why does it even matter if i have a boyfriend or not? when i was younger i was really depressed because all of the girls had boyfriends and i didnt and i wanted to have a boy like me. is this the cause of all of the girls misery? but wait...there is more! The options are A: your perfume, B: your outfit, C: your makeup. Regarding to perfume, wouldn't it be insanely creepy for a guy to come up to me and tell me that i smell nice? and regarding makeup and outfit, why does this hypothetical boyfriend care if i wear makeup or have nice clothes if the person inside the clothes and behind the makeup is a bad person? why isnt personality one of the answers? because honestly, in my history of boyfriends none of them have complimented me on none of the three but my personality and me myself. Also i came across another question from a different quiz, that asks, "your crush asks you out, what do you wear?" My answer, "I dress how i want to dress, i dont conform to society to impress boys! this dude likes me for me not my outfits" was obviously not one of the three choices and i obviously quit that quiz as well.
So after yelling at the computer, i ended up choosing another quiz. I honestly do not like the morals they are trying to send to these young girls because, the quiz i was taking was called "what is you Halloween candy personality" and a lot of the questions were suggesting to go to parties and flirt with guys, because that is definitely what girls do 24/7. I quit the quiz again, because i couldn't relate because, as i said before, not all teenage girls have friends in this area to hang out and watch scary movies with, and i don't even like scary movies. also, i don't have a lot of friends period to party with and i am not a party person, i am sorry american teenage society for disappointing you. Moral of the story: If you want to shatter your self esteem by doing these quizzes, by all means, do it!
<3 the enraged Jennie

Saturday, August 3, 2013

When I was in Riverdale

I stayed at this house with this old couple and their children and their grandson. I was with some friends as well at the time, because they were hosting a bunch of us for the weekend. their grandson , who was around six years old, would walk around the house looking for me and my friends and try to squirt us with his water gun. see, when someone tries to shoot me with a water gun, bad things happen. so what i did without him looking i took his water gun and stuffed it in my pillow case so he wouldn't squirt us with it. but then, he came back with two cups of water and tried poring them on us. but then he accidentally dropped them and we were the nice big kids and helped him clean it all up. I know how to handle little kids pretty well...I also gave him back his water gun.
Me:1 little kid: 0
<3 Jennie