Friday, August 9, 2013

Stupid misogynistic teen magazine quizzes!!!

So it being summer vacation, i was being bored and so i went on the seventeen magazine website just for giggles. i wanted to do those trashy quizzes that i did when i was in third grade because i was bored and i felt like it. so, the first one i tried was the "what hairstyle should I try?". So i had a hard time with this quiz because it was hard to relate to, but then, before i could say anymore i come across a question: "what does your guy compliment you on the most?" and my automatic reaction to this is: why does seventeen magazine assume that I have a "guy" and why does it even matter if i have a boyfriend or not? when i was younger i was really depressed because all of the girls had boyfriends and i didnt and i wanted to have a boy like me. is this the cause of all of the girls misery? but wait...there is more! The options are A: your perfume, B: your outfit, C: your makeup. Regarding to perfume, wouldn't it be insanely creepy for a guy to come up to me and tell me that i smell nice? and regarding makeup and outfit, why does this hypothetical boyfriend care if i wear makeup or have nice clothes if the person inside the clothes and behind the makeup is a bad person? why isnt personality one of the answers? because honestly, in my history of boyfriends none of them have complimented me on none of the three but my personality and me myself. Also i came across another question from a different quiz, that asks, "your crush asks you out, what do you wear?" My answer, "I dress how i want to dress, i dont conform to society to impress boys! this dude likes me for me not my outfits" was obviously not one of the three choices and i obviously quit that quiz as well.
So after yelling at the computer, i ended up choosing another quiz. I honestly do not like the morals they are trying to send to these young girls because, the quiz i was taking was called "what is you Halloween candy personality" and a lot of the questions were suggesting to go to parties and flirt with guys, because that is definitely what girls do 24/7. I quit the quiz again, because i couldn't relate because, as i said before, not all teenage girls have friends in this area to hang out and watch scary movies with, and i don't even like scary movies. also, i don't have a lot of friends period to party with and i am not a party person, i am sorry american teenage society for disappointing you. Moral of the story: If you want to shatter your self esteem by doing these quizzes, by all means, do it!
<3 the enraged Jennie


  1. 1. Sorry for waiting until now to read this :/
    2. I totally agree with your point on the choices for the question you first mentioned, but also, who says that it has to be a guy?

    1. It directly said in the quiz, and i quote "What does your guy compliment you the most on" This is assuming that A, To be cool you're heterosexual, and B, you are assumed that to be cool you are in a relationship. Priorities have changed so much now adays


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