Sunday, February 23, 2014


So today I have been in one of the best moods ever. I was and still am just so content with everything and I just feel good. I really feel like ranting today, so yeah...rant rant rant rant rant
Besides that, I have spent a lot of time today on facebook (when i say alot of time, I mean an unhealthy amount of time) and I see that a lot of people have been posting things about beauty. But can we, as human beings really see beauty in life when there is just so much distraction with all of these electronics and privacy evading that the government does (thanks obama, for trying to get rid of it though). Beauty is such a broad definition, and i think that a large amount of teenagers and young adults connect beauty with physicality. as much as it is about psysical beauty, there is alot more.
Beauty: the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind,whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color,sound,etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
Beauty is such an overused word and I am most likely a contributor for it to be such, but I think that beauty is something that we cannot just look at something and call it beautiful. beauty is something that is inspiring, provokes emotion or in any way is meaningful to us as human beings and I say chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is very very very beautiful. Mainly because it is delicious.
Calling people beautiful, is the biggest roadblock that we encounter in our day to day lives, not knowing whether to tell them that they are to make them feel better or to tell your girlfriend that. In my opinion, calling someone beautiful could cross genders. I have called men beautiful, because they are, intellectually of course, but physically as well. Beauty should not have a gender, so those people who think it is, SHUSHHHHHHH!!!!
Yeah, so this was a lovely outlet for my are all beautiful
<3 Jennie

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