Those who know me, know that I am not a huge fan of STEM. Mainly because it makes me, as a person feel inadequate. As an artist and an aspiring future clergy member, I feel that being a feminist and an artist is very "typical" if you will. STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering and Math) encourages women and men to have jobs in those fields, which results in more funding in those areas. But it also results in people looking down on those who go into artistic fields. yes, STEM can save lives, and change the world for the better but what about art? We (the art community including myself) are useful in many ways but when i am told that STEM gets more funding than arts because it is more practical, is annoying. At school, math and science are such big deals, and if you do not succeed in those subjects it seems to matter much more than if you do better in English or in a world language.
Feminism has grown into a giant over the last century. It seems that the more "feminist" jobs are the ones dominated by men Ex. Mathematicians, scientists, doctors, politicians. For me as an artist, it seems like it is viewed as a feminine job and it seems like women seem to not matter if they are involved in those fields.Thus, again, resulting in more funding and scholarships going towards women in STEM and other fields than women in arts.
In general we should look at what we do in schools. We should not just push all of the kids into STEM programs while they are young. It leaves a very bad message, saying that arts kids are not enough or not good enough or not smart enough. I think that arts should get more funding in schools and that school should have more of an equal amount of things so all kids can have these diverse opportunities. Women should not have a stereotypical major in college or in life and we should not be pressured to break that stereotype either.
So yeah, now you know why I really dislike STEM
To all of my friends who are into STEM, sorry...i'm an angry feminist/artist.
<3 Jennie
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