Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So today was friday the 13th and as a hater of scary movies, i treat it like a normal day.
Today is also Yom kippur, or the day of attonement, a jewish holiday fully focused to clean your slate for a new year. Well, this year i feel like i have sinned alot ( just like any other year) and i am so ready to clean my slate and fully get in gear for the new (jewish), here is a good list on things to improve this year!!
1: Spend less time on facebook!!!!!!!!!! i literally lose my focus due to facebook and this year i hope to really controll my facebook usage.
2: My self esteem needs improvement, and not just in personal looks but also in my work at school and in my art. i should be more proud of my work when i am just worried about how bad it might come out.
3: STUDY MORE TORAH!!!!!!!! i love studying torah and i really want to be commited and more proficeint in studying torah and gemara. i just want to improve my sprituality and help set straight things that need to be.
4: Work on more blogging and writing more. i am taking a creative writing class in school so i hope to do more creative activities to vent my feelings because i tend to give my problems to my friends and i dont want them to shoulder the burden.
5: Not worry about my weight!! because i am taking pilates in school and i walk 5 miles both ways to get to and from shul each week. i should be happy with my body and myself and i really need to be more appriciative this year.
so yeah that was my quick list
Shannah tova and gmar tov! also a tzom kal/have an easy fast
<3 Jennie

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