Tuesday, July 16, 2013


so chivalry has always been a sticky spot for me because i have been on both ends of the spectrum (hating and liking chivalry) and the thing is: as the writer of this blog, i am probably perceived as an angry feminist, which i totaly understand. as the flavor of the month, i don't like chivalry because i personally find it implying that women are incapable of doing things that men can do. but that is my opinion and if you want to argue, comment! and we could have a totaly awesome argument over the uses of chivalry.
In total seriousness, i think that chivalry is outdated and even though it is perceived as "sweet" one has to understand that there is way more to chivalry than to just holding a door for someone ect. I believe in gender equality so i believe that chivalry could go both ways but to have it just go one way is just plain silly. Love is a mutal thing and just showing love to just one of the two in a relationship is also just plain silly. Spread love and joy and awesome possums because possums are awesome and so are blossoms.
<3 Jennie

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