Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 Things that you should NOT do when you like someone

1. Message them on facebook (or any messaging system) like crazy because then you will drive them crazy and then bad things will happen. also, you will get very upset if they stop talking to you and that is damaging to self esteem. i just do not suggest this method.
2. fantasize marraige with them...because it is creepy and if you are 20 years old or younger, you do not need marraige!!!
3. Be super super flirty..because they will be really confuzzled and it will just get bad very quickly
4. bake them cookies!!! because it will make them only want to date you more for the fact that you give in to gender constructs and that he will only date you because you bake and not because of your amazing personality.
last but not least......5. Dont be too clingy when you hang out with that will get too awkward too fast and the fun moments wont be fun anymore.
Look at me giving relationship advice!! I am on FIYAAAAAAAAA!!!
<3 Jennie
boys/girls will love you for who you are

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Unclogging the future....too much work

Hey everyone! Lately i have been so confused with my future, with me looking at colleges and all. Being almost a senior in high school, it seems that we have to know exactly where we are going and what we are doing with our lives. honestly i dwell too much on the past and future and not enough on the present. Being a mixture of cantor/maharat/laundress/costume designer/ dramaturg/ professional unicorn is not going to suffice for when i get older. Why is life so difficult? i really hate when people tell me "you will know" because honestly i do not know and i am afraid that i will never just "know". Why do i worry about everything? i worry about people, things, plans, the future, the past and i just cannot help any of it...especially when i am hormonal like today). but the future is a scary place and i really acknowledge the fact that the future is not going to work out the way i planned it to be. I am turning 18 soon and honestly, i am not ready to be an adult. i love life being socially acceptable to read comic books and to love kid things. once i trun 18 i feel like i wont be able to do that stuff anymore because i would have to be socially mature, and i am scared because i don't think that is really possible...knowing how i am. i love being a kid and don't want it to go away because this is a big part of my personality.if i mature, my parents will definitely love it because i am not the weird girl who watches cartoons anymore but the one who watches all of these adult things and votes and drives. I don't think i am ready yet. i am glad i have until September 19th to figure that all out
<3 Jennie

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finding beauty from within

This connects with the whole "On Being pretty" article, but for a long time i never thought i would ever become what is called "pretty". a lot of my friends tell me that i am very pretty but on the inside. Does that count as calling me ugly? I don't know but i am just a wacky person and i never really saw myself as someone who was physically pretty, but then i realized something. when i saw a spoken word performance about being pretty i liked how she said that her kids are not to be described as a five letter word, but rather be pretty awesome, pretty intelligent, pretty amazing. i am not saying that physical beauty is a bad thing, i honestly wish i had more of it, but that is not the only thing important to me anymore, but being a good friend and having education and having friends who love me for who i am is way more worth it than being totaly beautiful with a crappy personality.I would rather spend my money on a book than on plastic surgery. beauty is way more than just looks, its about conducting your life in a "beautiful" manner and if it is spending money on plastic surgery than that is what is right for you. but  it is all in the eye of the beholder, because everyone has a different perspective on life and different preferences. But in actuality, live for yourself and not for any boy/girl out there.
<3 Jennie

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


so chivalry has always been a sticky spot for me because i have been on both ends of the spectrum (hating and liking chivalry) and the thing is: as the writer of this blog, i am probably perceived as an angry feminist, which i totaly understand. as the flavor of the month, i don't like chivalry because i personally find it implying that women are incapable of doing things that men can do. but that is my opinion and if you want to argue, comment! and we could have a totaly awesome argument over the uses of chivalry.
In total seriousness, i think that chivalry is outdated and even though it is perceived as "sweet" one has to understand that there is way more to chivalry than to just holding a door for someone ect. I believe in gender equality so i believe that chivalry could go both ways but to have it just go one way is just plain silly. Love is a mutal thing and just showing love to just one of the two in a relationship is also just plain silly. Spread love and joy and awesome possums because possums are awesome and so are blossoms.
<3 Jennie

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Why naps are evil

Naps are evil things, they sound so good and fun, yet when it actually takes place you end up feeling horrible and grumpy. i took a three hour nap last Saturday and i thought i was going to feel great.....Ah no, i woke up sweating and nauseous and just feeling horrible (and i also snapped at my study partner which is also not good). I am glad that i got a lot of sleep but it gets bad. also, coffee has been the cause of my sleep misery because i need more sleep and i choose to not get a lot of it and getting addicted to coffee is not going to do anything either. Coffee is sooo good though but it is evil because i am slowly getting addicted to it and wanting a coffee like every day. my dad told me so.
It was sooo hot today, we went to the Brooklyn bridge and the sun was setting and i saw a proposal on the bridge and it was all so cute. we also got free slurpees which are awesome and delicious because i was parched, really parched.
Now: i am packing to leave for the weekend to go to my friends house and it will be super funsicles. i am really excited to spend a shabbos with one of my friends family. :)
Shabbat shalom and stay awesome
<3 Jennie

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

On being pretty, My advice to Girls

It seems that beauty is something that defines us females more than males and sex appeal is another. it really sickens me to see how people have used that as an advantage to gain money and to advance in life's latter of opportunity. also, beauty has a tenancy to cripple self esteem and crush it to pieces because it makes one more girl, buy one more tube of mascara. one more day, one more girl is hurting and it is because media that it is taught that beauty is from the face and the body. as cliche as this sounds, beauty is from the body, but also from the heart, mind, and soul and if boys don't like you, than they are losers and you are the winner. you win yourself, and the boys lose the potential. And if boys don't like you, change your priorities, focus on school, getting good grades get into college and wait until you find the one that suits you, and who knows, you will fall in love. because when you are older, you will gain maturity which will heighten your self esteem and we all know that self esteem is a good thing to have and it is also very, very healthy. but everyone suffers their own heartbreaks so please don't quote me on love advice. I don't think i am even qualified for love advice anyway, let alone self esteem advice so yeah.
Happy hump day :)
<3 Jennie
here is a good spoken word poem :)<---i am obsessed with this

Monday, July 1, 2013

Being in the promised land

well, i don't live in Israel but being in New York has been something i have been waiting for for months on end. I am studying at what is called a Beit Midrash and for those who don't know what it means, its a place where we can study lots of interesting Jewish things. The classes are serious business but one could learn so much from one class. today was my very first class day and i already have learned so much and bonded with the girls in my program.
One may expect that all girls who love to learn are quiet and serious, but you are so wrong! the girls in my program are loud and awesome and I just wanted to give you all an update on my life since i have not posted in a while
Hope to blog sometime soon, my mind will be so exhausted after this week
<3 Jennie