Before I start, I should apologize on not writing a lot recently, school is super crazy hectic and shtuffins, so yeah....I am super duper sorry for ignoring the wonders that is blogging.
fem·i·nism noun \ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm\- the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
Behold! the actual meaning of feminism. I really hate how some people like to believe that feminism is the hatred of men. Dear people who think that, I would really like to introduce you to a new term: misandry. ( I really hate how blog spot puts a red squiggle line, thinking that its not a real word...well guess what? it is!) Misandry is the dislike or hatred of men. I understand where both of them intersect, but I should have you know that I am not a misandrist at all, and actually almost all of the feminists I know are not either. One can be a feminist and a misandrist, but not everyone who is a misandrist is a feminist.On an anecdotal note, I had a substitute teacher in my creative writing class, and he was completely awesome. He wore a nice shirt and nice pants with maroon converse, had a beard and a pony tail.In a very in depth conversation about feminism with me he even said that he was an "Angry feminist" I just whispered to myself "AHHHH WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE THIS!!!!!". So my school hires really awesome substitute teachers. what is really ironic that a lot of my friends assume that I am this angry feminist type because of the title of my blog. Yes...I am a feminist, sometimes I am angry but they are not synonymous...all of the time. but this blog has been allowing me to express how awesome feminism is and also how crazy I am all at the same time. so yeah, that was my rant of the day and I really miss blogging I am trying my best. I keep a journal with me now to write my thoughts out, because I love slam poetry and spoken word poetry (aren't they the same thing? comment if you do actually know). So yeah! Happy Monday!
<3 Jennie